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PREX: A Calling for New Lay Evangelizers

PREX: A Calling for New Lay Evangelizers

21 participants of the Parish Renewal Experience (PREX) Class 68 were given blessings during the Eucharistic mass last November 12, as a sign of recognition for successfully finishing the three-day Catholic Faith Formation seminar at the Diocesan Shrine and Parish of Nuestra Señora de Aranzazu.

Devote Your Saturdays to the Rosary

Devote Your Saturdays to the Rosary

This devotion was already approved by the vatican on 1905. To note, all first Saturdays of the whole year or twelve consecutive months should be devoted to the Immaculate.

Devotees commemorate Aranzazu’s 4th Episcopal Coronation anniversary

Devotees commemorate Aranzazu’s 4th Episcopal Coronation anniversary

SAN MATEO, RIZAL- Aranzazu devotees flock in the 4th Episcopal Coronation anniversary yesterday. The occasion was held in conjunction with the 9th day devotion; Pamimintuho sa Birhen ng Aranzazu where the novena, healing mass, procession, and distribution of apples took place at the Diocesan Shrine of Our Lady of Aranzazu.

5 Things I Learned in Tanghalang Aranzazu

5 Things I Learned in Tanghalang Aranzazu

This organization has inspired and produced more good citizens who are proud bearers of Tanghalang Aranzazu’s culture and values to wherever they are now.